ForceBalance API  1.3
Automated optimization of force fields and empirical potentials
Classes | Namespaces | Functions | Variables File Reference

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class  src.amberio.Mol2_Reader
 Finite state machine for parsing Mol2 force field file. More...
class  src.amberio.FrcMod_Reader
 Finite state machine for parsing FrcMod force field file. More...
class  src.amberio.PrmtopLoader
 Parsed AMBER prmtop file. More...
class  src.amberio.AMBER
 Engine for carrying out general purpose AMBER calculations. More...
class  src.amberio.AbInitio_AMBER
 Subclass of Target for force and energy matching using AMBER. More...
class  src.amberio.Interaction_AMBER
 Subclass of Target for calculating and matching ineraction energies using AMBER. More...
class  src.amberio.Vibration_AMBER
 Subclass of Target for calculating and matching vibrational modes using AMBER. More...
class  src.amberio.Liquid_AMBER
 Subclass of Target for calculating and matching liquid properties using AMBER. More...


 AMBER force field input/output.


def src.amberio.is_mol2_atom (line)
def src.amberio.write_leap (fnm, mol2=[], frcmod=[], pdb=None, prefix='amber', spath=[], delcheck=False)
 Parse and edit an AMBER LEaP input file. More...
def src.amberio.splitComment (mystr, debug=False)
 Remove the comment from a line in an AMBER namelist. More...
def src.amberio.parse_amber_namelist (fin)
 Parse a file containing an AMBER namelist (only significantly tested for sander input). More...
def src.amberio.write_mdin (calctype, fout=None, nsteps=None, timestep=None, nsave=None, pbc=False, temperature=None, pressure=None, mdin_orig=None)
 Write an AMBER .mdin file to carry out a calculation using sander or pmemd.cuda. More...


 src.amberio.logger = getLogger(__name__)
float src.amberio.kb_kcal = 0.0019872041
dictionary src.amberio.mol2_pdict = {'COUL':{'Atom':[1], 8:''}}
dictionary src.amberio.frcmod_pdict
string src.amberio.POINTER_LABELS
string src.amberio.POINTER_LABEL_LIST = POINTER_LABELS.replace(',', '').split()