def | src.molecule.getElement (mass) |
def | src.molecule.elem_from_atomname (atomname) |
| Given an atom name, attempt to get the element in most cases. More...
def | src.molecule.unmangle (M1, M2) |
| Create a mapping that takes M1's atom indices to M2's atom indices based on position. More...
def | src.molecule.nodematch (node1, node2) |
def | src.molecule.isint (word) |
| ONLY matches integers! If you have a decimal point? None shall pass! More...
def | src.molecule.isfloat (word) |
| Matches ANY number; it can be a decimal, scientific notation, integer, or what have you. More...
def | src.molecule.CubicLattice (a) |
| This function takes in three lattice lengths and three lattice angles, and tries to return a complete box specification. More...
def | src.molecule.BuildLatticeFromLengthsAngles (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) |
| This function takes in three lattice lengths and three lattice angles, and tries to return a complete box specification. More...
def | src.molecule.BuildLatticeFromVectors (v1, v2, v3) |
| This function takes in three lattice vectors and tries to return a complete box specification. More...
def | src.molecule.TopEqual (mol1, mol2) |
| For the nanoreactor project: Determine whether two Molecule objects have the same topologies. More...
def | src.molecule.MolEqual (mol1, mol2) |
| Determine whether two Molecule objects have the same fragments by looking at elements and connectivity graphs. More...
def | src.molecule.format_xyz_coord (element, xyz, tinker=False) |
| Print a line consisting of (element, x, y, z) in accordance with .xyz file format. More...
def | src.molecule.format_gro_coord (resid, resname, aname, seqno, xyz) |
| Print a line in accordance with .gro file format, with six decimal points of precision. More...
def | src.molecule.format_xyzgen_coord (element, xyzgen) |
| Print a line consisting of (element, p, q, r, s, t, ...) where (p, q, r) are arbitrary atom-wise data (this might happen, for instance, with atomic charges) More...
def | src.molecule.format_gro_box (box) |
| Print a line corresponding to the box vector in accordance with .gro file format. More...
def | src.molecule.is_gro_coord (line) |
| Determines whether a line contains GROMACS data or not. More...
def | src.molecule.is_charmm_coord (line) |
| Determines whether a line contains CHARMM data or not. More...
def | src.molecule.is_gro_box (line) |
| Determines whether a line contains a GROMACS box vector or not. More...
def | src.molecule.add_strip_to_mat (mat, strip) |
def | src.molecule.pvec (vec) |
def | src.molecule.grouper (n, iterable) |
| Groups a big long iterable into groups of ten or what have you. More...
def | src.molecule.even_list (totlen, splitsize) |
| Creates a list of number sequences divided as evenly as possible. More...
def | src.molecule.both (A, B, key) |
def | src.molecule.diff (A, B, key) |
def | src.molecule.either (A, B, key) |
def | src.molecule.EulerMatrix (T1, T2, T3) |
| Constructs an Euler matrix from three Euler angles. More...
def | src.molecule.ComputeOverlap (theta, elem, xyz1, xyz2) |
| Computes an 'overlap' between two molecules based on some fictitious density. More...
def | src.molecule.AlignToDensity (elem, xyz1, xyz2, binary=False) |
| Computes a "overlap density" from two frames. More...
def | src.molecule.AlignToMoments (elem, xyz1, xyz2=None) |
| Pre-aligns molecules to 'moment of inertia'. More...
def | src.molecule.get_rotate_translate (matrix1, matrix2) |
def | src.molecule.cartesian_product2 (arrays) |
| Form a Cartesian product of two NumPy arrays. More...
def | src.molecule.extract_int (arr, avgthre, limthre, label="value", verbose=True) |
| Get the representative integer value from an array. More...
def | src.molecule.extract_pop (M, verbose=True) |
| Extract our best estimate of charge and spin-z from the comments section of a Molecule object created with Nanoreactor. More...
def | src.molecule.arc (Mol, begin=None, end=None, RMSD=True, align=True) |
| Get the arc-length for a trajectory segment. More...
def | src.molecule.EqualSpacing (Mol, frames=0, dx=0, RMSD=True, align=True) |
| Equalize the spacing of frames in a trajectory with linear interpolation. More...
def | src.molecule.AtomContact (xyz, pairs, box=None, displace=False) |
| Compute distances between pairs of atoms. More...
def | src.molecule.form_rot (q) |
| Given a quaternion p, form a rotation matrix from it. More...
def | src.molecule.axis_angle (axis, angle) |
| Given a rotation axis and angle, return the corresponding 3x3 rotation matrix, which will rotate a (Nx3) array of xyz coordinates as x0_rot = np.dot(R, x0.T).T. More...
def | src.molecule.main () |